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2022-09-12 07:14:31


六月已经到来,你将有坚实的一个月。四月和五月对于每个星座的许多读者来说,是耗尽精力的两个月,因为4月15日和4月28日的日食令人紧张。有时日食不 在出现的日子发送信息,而是一个月的一天后。这使得五月也成为潜在的负有重担的一个月。作为4月15日日食的结果,你可能一直专注于这些范围(任选其 一):长途旅行,国际关系,移民事务,法律的讨论和策略,或出版/广播所产生的机会。你可能有重量级新闻,或者有关于你追求的大学或研究生学位的选择。

只要我们面对这些主题,我将添加旁白,6月13日你可能会遇到来自以上领域高层负责人的压力,如果其中有一个领域跟你有关。火星将与冥王星不和,这是一个 艰难的组合,你会被这个人逼入墙脚,此人擅于不留余地的谈判。如果你有一个官司,也许你可以更改日期。如果你有一个移民面试,你很可能会同一个强硬的人接 触。再次的,我建议你改变日期。


5月14日的满月带来了大型专业合约的可能,增强了你在行业中的地位。这不是一个月食的日期,而是一个发生在天蝎座的强大的满月,与土星紧紧相挨。这告诉 我,你可能有一个非常严肃的决定或承诺,使有关方面给予了很高地位的专业合约或情况。很多水瓶座的人都被赋予了很大的工作 - 如果你接受了,现在是正确的时候。

如果你说没有,你没有得到合约,反而适得其反,失去了你的工作,或者通过多次面试后没有被选上一个高级别职位 - 你一定很沮丧。我有好消息。火星,行动之星,将从6月25日至9月13日途经天蝎座和你的第十宫(名望,荣誉,奖励和成就),这将是你事业进步的一个关键 时刻,因为火星会看到你的个人资料上升,你将很容易地迈进VIP的门口。

当火星在第十宫,你将会讨论一个比以前好的位置,这将让你有充沛的动力和责任。如果你最近参加了一个令人兴奋的新高级职位,这个阶段你可能会得到非常多的 宣传(6月25日至9月13日),所以我建议在这未来的阶段,你不要去度假。除了2010年九月中旬到2010年10月底,你一直没有在你最重要的事业宫 得到过火星的帮助,所以这是一个罕见的,强大的权限。努力工作,走在前面,你会看到你的名字成为大牌。 

当你到达9月13日,火星离开,看看下次月食(10月23日)会发生什么,今年晚些时候 - 你可以得到一个很大的合约呢。那将是一个新月日食,友好地帮助新的职业篇章的开始。因为伟大的职位往往需要数周时间来赢得,所以很可能你会在火星在天蝎座 的期间,六至九月中旬取得实质性进展,最终的合约,或者你的新工作的开始日期,会在日食10月23日之后不久。火星与新月日食将是友好的,因为火星掌管天 蝎座---月食的发生地,这预示着一个幸福的最后结果。利用这些日期,亲爱的瓶子们,此时不要休假,否则你会坐失良机。

这个月底的6月27日,你会有一个新月在工程项目的第六宫,这将是一个甜美的新月。不过,我必须解释在第六宫和第十宫(你和我前面谈到的)的新月的差别, 六月底火星将会在那里。两个宫位都跟工作有关,但第六宫是所有关于日常任务的。这不是你等级迅速上升到一个新的领导位置的宫位。但是,它确实可以帮助你把 自己作为一个明星与他人区分开来,使你能够把一个复杂任务出色地完成。

因此要再说一次,当新月在第六宫(6月27日将发生)时,你可能不会通过改变工作提高你的地位。要想提高地位,你需要一个坚实的第十宫的影响,就像你上个 月5月15日做的,以及火星在6月25日至9月13日的跨越。即将到来的10月23日在天蝎座的(友好)日食也能够帮助你上升。然而,一个新月在第六宫, 正如你将在6月27日拥有的,确实可以给你一个很大的项目,或者帮助你带来令人印象深刻的新业务,如果你是自雇人士的话。分配你的任务类型传播很快,带领 你完全进入新的,更令人印象深刻的业务。




The sixth house has domain over health and fitness too, and with a new moon there, June 27, you will have a stunning ability to set up your necessary annual doctor visits. See your general practitioner for tests on cholesterol, blood sugar, iron count, and blood pressure, and to check to make sure you don't need a vaccine of some sort. See your eye doctor to see if your reading glass prescription has changed, check in with your dentist for a cleaning, and your dermatologist or allergy doctor, and schedule all the other annual tests that experts recommend.

If your doctor clears you for sports and fitness, it's time to hit the gym and get serious about getting stronger and fit. If you start working out now, you'll flatten the competition at holiday parties for most stunning body on the dance floor. If you have been working out, this new moon will give you an opportunity to get to a higher more competitive level. Choose a new sport or a new class, and get lessons to perfect your form. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is in his final days in your health sector, giving you an extraordinary ability to refine your health routine for future months and years. Let me explain.

I have found that having Jupiter in the sixth house is the best place to lose weight and get to the "real you" inside. This finding initially made no sense to me, because this planet of healing and bounty, Jupiter, usually expands everything it touches. Cancer has Jupiter in their sign, and Leo will have it next month. It's true those Jupiter periods that visit the Sun sign are usually marked with weight gain unless the person (in this case, Cancer, and soon, Leo) may realize and work against it by not slacking off on exercise.

However, what shocked me when I did my research was that having Jupiter in your sixth house of health teaches you to eat right, and to ENJOY the natural foods, and giving up processed and fried foods. They say after three weeks, you begin to crave the good things for you and wonder why you ever found the bad foods enticing. You will still have Jupiter in your sixth house of health until July 16, the date he will leave. In twelve years from now, Jupiter will return to your sixth house, but not any sooner. While you will have other opportunities within the intervening twelve years to lose weight, this point in time is special because Jupiter will make your reform process fairly easy.

Jupiter rules health, happiness, and even miracles. You have a golden chance to set up a fun new regimen that you love so much you won't give it up. Programs started when Jupiter is in the right position tend to succeed, and because you are starting a new health-oriented cycle while Jupiter is in your sixth house, your new program will likely stay with you for the coming decade. Yes! The coming decade! I feel you will be so excited to see your body transform that all the initial work to get fit will be clearly worth it. This is why I am going out of my way to show you all the cosmic help you have at your disposal in this short window of time. It is up to you. As my younger daughter, Diana, always said to me, "Mommy, fitness isn't fun until you are fit. It may take a few weeks or months to get there, but then you are rolling and you can't get enough!" Begin June 27, dear Aquarius!

Now let's turn to fun and love, which you will need in your life to balance out all the thinking you may be doing on your health, fitness, and more importantly, your career, and possibly home-or-family related changes too.

The new moon of May 28 that you just came through a few days ago and that I wrote about in your May report (you can always access your last month report below the Dates to Note) will continue to stimulate your love life in the first ten days of June. That new moon was in beautiful angle to Mars, so you may be tempted to take a little trip. Plan a long weekend somewhere sumptuous with your sweetheart - just promise you will come home fast and attend to all the burgeoning career excitement I see for you.

If you have no one to love, then the early part of June will also be special for you. It's important you circulate at a resort type weekend location. In New York, where I live, people like to go to the Hamptons or New Jersey shore; or in Massachusetts, they flock to Cape Cod, Nantucket, or Martha's Vineyard, as a few examples. Every city has its popular places to go, so you likely know the prettiest places for you.

If you are attached, you will have more time for one another, and also with your children. If you hope for a baby, early June would be the time to consider the idea and make plans.

If you have a birthday that falls January 27, plus or minus five days, or have Aquarius rising at 7 degrees, you will benefit with a double dip of pleasure from this new moon of May 28, so strong in the first ten days of June. The same is true if you have a natal planet near 7 degrees Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra.

Mercury will retrograde all month, from June 7 to July 1, but this time, you may find this transit of Mercury to be a complete relief. So much news has tumbled forth to everyone, of every sign, from the eclipses of April and the events of May, that I think you could use a rest. Your schedule will open up as meetings and decisions get postponed. Rather than be frustrated by this, welcome it. You will have more time to devote to thinking and sorting out all that you want to do in future weeks and months. Sometimes we all need a break in the action.

It is true that you should not purchase electronics or appliances while Mercury is retrograde, for if you do, later you will wonder why you were so hasty. You may find a better model later, or you may, in your rush, choose an item that will never fit your needs.

At the full moon, June 12, it seems you will be invited to a very special, luxurious event, populated by many interesting people from many walks of life, including international cities. Some will be quite distinguished - professors, writers and reporters, directors and producers, judges and prosecutors, ambassadors, and politicians, as well as people you know from your industry. This appears to be an event not to miss! Uranus will be beautifully angled to this full moon, so you may not even know you are going to this event until the last minute. Be spontaneous, and look your best!

If your birthday falls on February 13 plus or minus five days, you will find this full moon to be especially joyous for you. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising at or near 22 degrees, or a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra at that degree, plus or minus five degrees. I feel you are already too late to do anything, as I don't want you to take actions just prior to a retrograde, because as Mercury starts to slide backward, you will run into difficulties.

Mercury will be in your house of work assignments June 1 to 16, so that is when you are likely to have to backtrack on assignments and make changes, or correct errors that somehow slipped through. If you write for a living, your editor may suggest changes or additions in one part of the story, or ask for more depth in one part of the manuscript. Mercury retrograde actually helps us improve our performance.

As Mercury keeps moving backward, from June 16 to July 1, Mercury will be in your true love sector, so you may rethink a current relationship and perhaps adjust the speed of the relationship if it has raced ahead too fast. It is also possible you will go back to a former one to see if you can rekindle a past love. This would be the time to make that contact, dear Aquarius. You will also run into at least one friend from your past and be thrilled to see one another again and make plans to stay in close touch.

Also to help you will be Venus set to enter your fifth house of new love, true love, from June 23 until July 18, a fine time to mix and mingle. This is the first time you've had a visit from Venus in Gemini this year, so make the most of this! Gemini is what we call a double bodied sign, so you may meet not one but TWO interesting people! Venus is sometimes called the "lazy planet," for Venus teaches you not to try too hard to get attention. Let your natural magnetism draw others to you. With Mars in a friendly air sign too, you have a nice set of circumstances to find an interesting romantic interest, especially in late June and in July.

If you need to travel this month, June 24 would not be the time to go, for Mars will oppose Uranus. This can give problems with the mechanical parts of a car, for example, or bring on road rage from a nut case driver behind you, as people will be quick to become angry. If you travel for business, the person you are seeing is likely to be stressed out and distracted, and you might feel that way too. Uranus is your ruling planet, so that makes this aspect a more important one for you. Last Christmas, December 23-24, we had the exact same aspect, with the same signs involved (Aries and Libra) and practically the same degree. Think back - did something come up that was distressful, either emotionally or physically? If the matter was not fully resolved, it may come up again now for an answer.

A lovely day, coming earlier, will be when Venus will reach out to Jupiter, June 18. You may get good news and a breakthrough concerning a housing or property matter, a bargain for a piece of furniture, or upbeat news concerning one of your parents. This day may bring a new work assignment, and/or a sudden call to interview for an important project. Whenever Jupiter is involved, good money is never behind - this could be your chance to clean up and make a nice check, dear Aquarius!


对你来说,一个爱情最好的月份已经来临,上月底5月28日的新月点燃了天鹅绒般的蓝天,它将帮助你进入一个抒情的,芳香的,浪漫的月份。你寻找乐趣和爱情 的努力将在各方面被予以支持。如果你是单身,希望找到爱情,在六月上旬,丘比特和他的天使小舰队将包围你的每一个角落,准备用他们的弓和箭帮助爱情来临。 在这个月的这段时间旅行似乎扇起了爱情之火,证明了火星的存在,所以如果你正在约会,或已经建立关系,通过各种方法购买飞机或火车票到一个“情侣天堂”的 地方去吧,离开日常生活的背景将使你惊奇,精神焕然一新。


在这个神圣的社交月,你会有意料之外的事件到来,并且可能是你想要参加的事件 – 它是特殊的 - 将在6月12日满月的四天之内。这个耀眼的聚会是“必须”参加的,因为你的主星天王星,会令它好吃好玩。你会与各行各业的客人接触,很多人会是杰出的专业 人士 - 学术界,医学,法律,政治,以及海外一些有趣的客人。对话活力四射,客人们热情开放地结交新朋友,谈话会围绕时事,旅游,运动,政治,文化和艺术。当然, 这是你最喜欢的一种聚会。



这个月结束于一个非常积极的新月,6月27日,非常适合开始新的健身计划。即使你时间很紧,重新开始温和的运动,迟些,如果你的医生同意,你可以加大运动 量。海王星与本次新月非常友好,你也可能会决定参加一个水上运动 - 游泳,滑水,浮潜,皮划艇,或水里的其他活动。总结经验教训,如果你是运动新手 --- 做的越好将激励你运动更多。

月底你在办公室将变得非常忙碌,所以暂时不要计划离开休假 ---因为新的客户和新的任务将需要你。如果你已经厌倦了最近相同的旧任务,新月6月27日以后你不会无聊 - 这将激发你的想象力,并帮助你展示你的时尚和机智。  


对爱,会议,或行动最重要的日期: 6月1日,2日,7日,12日,15日,16日,18日,20日,29日,和30日。

水星从6月7日至7月1日在巨蟹座/双子座逆行。水星恢复顺行后,他将于7月15日再次达到最高速度(并在他的最好位置) 。


6月13日不会是你最好的一天 - 有人似乎很盛气凌人。可能是与家庭有关的财产问题。请记住,你永远不必做你不想做的事。




旅游与谈判不建议在6月24日,或在附近的那些日子。 6月24日,你的守护星天王星,将面对来自火星的挑战,这是一个非常激烈,困难的形势。这一天保持距离(可以容许几天的空间),也不要签署任何文件。




最重要的日期为感情,会议,或行动: 6月1日, 2 , 7 , 12 , 15 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 29 ,和30 。

水星将于6月7日至7月1日在巨蟹座/双子座逆行。之后水星恢复顺行,将于7月15日再次达到最高速度(最佳状态) 。


6月13日不是你最好的一天—— 有人似乎很专横。可能是与家庭有关的财产问题。请记住,你永远不必做你不想做的事。




不建议在6月24日左右的日子里安排出行或谈判。 6月24日,你的守护星天王星,将接受来自火星的挑战,这是一个非常激烈的,困难的挑战。尽量不要在24日左右的几天内签署任何文件。
